Educator & Consultant

Growth Mindset Specialist

Flipped Learning Expert

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Unveiling the “Invisible Women” in Our Society – A Thought-Provoking Book Discussion

Para leer este artículo en español haz clic aquí. I recently had the opportunity to delve into a book that has long been on my reading list – “Invisible Women” [ … ]

Webinar: In-Class Flip: Design Active Learning Spaces for Student-Centered LearningWebinar

Hey everyone! In this post, I want to share the recording of a recent webinar I gave about in-class flipping. A special shout out to Dr. Desiree Alexander for all [ … ]

Unlocking Canva’s Magic: Essential Shortcuts for Dynamic Presentations

Dive into Canva’s magic shortcuts with this post, aiming to captivate and engage audiences. Discover how to effortlessly activate these features and transform your presentations into dynamic, interactive experiences. Whether you’re celebrating student achievements or adding suspense to your slides, these shortcuts offer a seamless way to enhance your educational delivery.

In-Class Flip Poster at the IFE Conference

Click here to see the Spanish version Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Institute for the Future of Education – IFE Conference in the city of [ … ]

Raising our voice: Insights from “How Women Rise” book discussion

Para leer este artículo en español, haz clic aquí. In a world that has been led by a patriarchal structure, it is important to create spaces where both women and [ … ]

Podcast with Nomi Sharan: Communicating with a Growth Mindset

Nomi and I met (virtually) in 2019 for a collaborative international teaching project with undergraduate students. Nomi was interested in creating a virtual exchange with her students, and she reached [ … ]

Podcast: Ask The Tech Coach about In-class Flip

In this episode, we talk to Jeff Bradbury about in-class flip and answer the following points: Click here to access the podcast.

Easy Edtech Podcast: Flipped learning and differentiation

In this podcast, Dr. Monica Burns interviewed Carolina R. Buitrago and me about the connection between flipped learning and differentiated instruction as well as about our new In-class flip book. [ … ]

Pronunciation: the uninvited guest

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.”Ludwig van Beethoven What do people love? That one’s easy. Music! The use of songs has been applied in language teaching [ … ]

Designing a hybrid in-class flip

Recently, I encountered the challenge of teaching in a hybrid mode (some students in class and some at home). I have been teaching fully online for one year due to [ … ]

Designing Flipped Instructions for Differentiation

One of my biggest aha moments during online teaching came when I started suffering connection problems (my own and my students). I had flipped instructions in my previous classes, but [ … ]

Flipped vs. traditional teaching (sketchnote)

I’m always asked about the difference between flipped learning and a traditional teaching approach. What a perfect excuse to continue practicing my drawing skills and design a sketchnote! So here’s [ … ]

Podcast: Discussing grading in the new normal-ish

The Elephant In The Remote Classroom: Adapting to Grading In the New Normal-ish Dan Jones with Martha Ramirez, Jon Bergmann, and Thomas Mennella Grading is always a challenge, but teachers [ … ]

Flipped learning sketchnote

I condensed my understanding of what flipped learning is in this sketchnote. Flipped learning is always evolving and this is where it is at today! To see this sketchnote in [ … ]

Using mini-books for active learning lessons

In this post I share ideas on how to create mini-books for teaching and learning purposes along with tutorials on how you can create them for your own classes. Why [ … ]

Five steps to design awesome slides!

In a recent presentation I made, some of my students commented on the design of my slides and how I created them. I promised I’d make a quick blog post [ … ]

Researching Growth Mindset in Education

The purpose of this post is to share the generalities of a research project I participated in during 2019 while a more formal research paper is published. Please feel free [ … ]

Using google Jamboard for peer feedback

Para leer la versión en español, haz clic aquí! One thing I always include in my classes is peer feedback. This is usually done with the task rubric of the [ … ]

Create stories with digital story cubes!

As teaching virtual classes sinks in, I’ve had to rethink all of my face-to-face classes. This has not been an easy task and planning has consumed more time than I [ … ]

Online Speaking lesson creating trade cards

For my first online class, I planned a get to know each other session. This is a face-to-face Speaking for professional purposes class (public speaking) converted into an online one [ … ]

Sketchnoting: an active learning strategy

Including sketchnotes in my teaching The first time I heard about sketchnoting, I thought it was a great way to enhance notetaking. I was looking for new ways for students [ … ]

[Pecha Kucha] Innovation in Education: a mindset matter

Here is the presentation I made at Fliptech Latam 2019 sharing my experience about innovation and how mindset has everything to do with it. The video is in Spanish with [ … ]

Steps for planning my flipped lessons

In this blog post, I would like to share a video I made with the steps I take when planning a flipped lesson. SCRIPT: Here is the script (with some [ … ]

What’s an in-class flip? (revisited)

A couple of years ago, I published a blog post with my understanding of what an in-class flip was. Since then, I have tried different ways to in-class flip in [ … ]

Teaching idea: using Play-Doh in my Higher Ed classes

The other day I was doing some shopping with my husband when I saw a bright and colorful pack of mini play-doh containers. My eyes lit up. I thought, “for [ … ]

Teaching idea: storytelling with voice dictation & story cubes

USING VOICE DICTATION WITH STORY CUBES In one of my speaking classes this week, I was teaching about storytelling, so I designed a warm-up I would like to share. First [ … ]

In-class flip: teaching pronunciation communicatively

Teaching pronunciation communicatively Because pronunciation has been one of my teaching and research focus in the past few years, I know for a fact that it is neglected by many [ … ]

10 steps for making flipped videos

Note: this infographic was made using Canva.

Flipped Learning PD at Electronic Village Online

In the three years that I have been involved in the Electronic Village Online sessions, I have always been asked what they are. It surprises me to know that such [ … ]

Teaching idea: argumentative thesis statements

Why is it so hard to find fun activities for teaching writing? Maybe I’m not looking in the right places. Anyhow, I’m currently teaching an academic writing course to a [ … ]

In-class flip: how I made a boring lesson fun

[divider height=”30″ style=”default” line=”default” themecolor=”1″]THE LESSON If I’m going to be honest, teaching sentence types is not on my list of fav English topics; so when the topic appeared on [ … ]

Flipping lessons for subbing: a solution for absent teachers

When you work at a school, there are always inevitable sick leaves; sometimes they come in waves. Depending on the school system, there might be a very appreciated and handy [ … ]

What’s an in-class flip?

Here’s an explanation of in-class flip with its types of stations, sequencing and examples based on trial and error (still in process).   It is important to note that every [ … ]

What is flipped learning?

Here’s a brief video I made explaining what flipped learning is. I start by explaining how it got started with Bergmann and Sams (2012), and I break down the definition [ … ]

In-class flip: making infographics for oral presentations

For my public speaking class, I decided to ask my students to create an infographic with personal information in order to present to their classmates; this would allow them not [ … ]

Using loop-input on in-class flip with in-service teachers (co-written with Carolina R.)

Last October, we – Martha Ramirez  [@martharamirezco] and Carolina R Buitrago [@crbuitrago] – participated in ASOCOPI’s (Asociación Colombiana de Profesores de Inglés) 51st annual conference, whose main focus was on [ … ]

In-Class Flip: Duplicated Sequenced Stations

Last week, in my public speaking class with 10th graders, I worked on how to create diagrams for presentations. For this class, I needed students to understand what a diagram [ … ]

My first experience with in-class flip

I’ve been working on in-class flips since I first heard the term in January this year. I had taken an Electronic Village Online – EVO course (free, BTW) on flipped [ … ]

Feedback – best practices

In this post I want to share some of the things I did to provide and receive feedback in my class this year, which I consider work well and are [ … ]

Teaching reflections about this year

In my previous post, I wrote about what my students had to say regarding their learning and what they consider they needed to improve for next year. In ths post [ … ]

My students’ reflections on their learning

On the verge of finishing the school year, I find it necessary and important to ask my students for feedback on my classes and their learning. It’s the only way [ … ]

Favorite excerpts from “Everyday” by David Levithan

This month I read “Everyday” by David Levithan for the monthly book club I lead. In the book discussion, everyone agreed it was a beautifully written book. In my case, [ … ]

Providing written feedback through color-coding

This year I taught 7th grade literature and there was a lot of writing to be done. This was followed, of course, by a lot of grading. So I started [ … ]

TESOL 2016 highlights (Part 3 – using & teaching with technology)

Here is a summary of my favorite technology oriented sessions. Practice-oriented session: “Making instructional videos: The Technology, Planning and On-Camera Delivery” I attended a session on making instructional videos by [ … ]

TESOL HIGHLIGHTS (Part 2 – Pronunciation)

While at the TESOL convention, I also attended sessions regarding pronunciation teaching. I was delighted to see research being carried out in this field. However, I wish there were more [ … ]

TESOL 2016 highlights (part 1- writing and assessment)

This year I had the opportunity not only to attend the TESOL 2016 convention in Baltimore, but also to present. In a future post I will make my presentation accessible, [ … ]

ƃuᴉddᴉlɟ my teaching pronunciation course

Flipped learning seems to be the buzz word these days, but more than just a word that is buzzing in the academic conversations, it is becoming an approach that more [ … ]


Conversaciones de Mentalidad de Crecimiento con Tatiana Rodríguez

En este artículo, comparto una reflexión inspirada en la charla con Tatiana Rodríguez en “Lista para lo que Venga”. Conversamos sobre cómo adoptar una mentalidad orientada al crecimiento puede potenciar nuestro desarrollo personal, mejorar la administración del tiempo y elevar nuestra productividad. Además, analizamos la relevancia de saber dejar de lado aquellas actividades que no favorecen nuestro progreso, asumiendo el rol de protagonistas de nuestra propia historia. También profundizamos en la introspección y exploramos el concepto del “Freedom Compass” como una herramienta para enfocar nuestra energía hacia lo que realmente nos impulsa a avanzar.

Podcast InFórmate: Revolucionando la Educación Superior y el Impacto Transformador del Aprendizaje Invertido

En este podcast conversamos sobre el aprendizaje invertido, dialogando en torno a qué entendemos por este enfoque y cómo pueden implementarse estrategias en el aula para incorporar, más que una metodología, una visión de la enseñanza-aprendizaje que invite a los estudiantes a apropiarse de su proceso formativo.

Mujeres Invisibles en Nuestra Sociedad – Reflexiones sobre el Libro

To read this article in English click here. Recientemente tuve la profunda oportunidad de sumergirme en un libro que ha estado en mi lista de lectura durante mucho tiempo: “La [ … ]

Desbloquea la Magia de Canva: Atajos Esenciales para Presentaciones Dinámicas

Click here to see this post in English. Hola! Hoy estoy emocionada de sumergirme en un conjunto de herramientas que promete revolucionar sus presentaciones: los atajos mágicos de Canva. Ya [ … ]

Póster de In-Class Flip en la Conference IFE

Para ver la versión en inglés, haz clic aquí La semana pasada, tuve la maravillosa oportunidad de asistir a la Conferencia del Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación – [ … ]

Podcast Encuentros Vitales: Hablando de Mentalidad de Crecimiento con Joinme Bienestar

En esta conversación, tuve la oportunidad de hablar sobre mentalidad de crecimiento con Joyce, una amiga y una mujer que admiro por el trabajo tan bello que hace para brindar [ … ]

Elevando nuestra voz: Reflexiones de la discusión del libro “How Women Rise”

To read this article in English, click here. En un mundo que ha sido liderado por una estructura patriarcal, es importante crear espacios donde tanto mujeres como hombres en todas [ … ]

Nota visual: el diálogo interno negativo

Esta nota visual la diseñé para explicar qué es el diálogo interno y el concepto de diálogo interno negativo desde el trabajo de Ethan Kross, conectándolo con la teoría de [ … ]

Clase abierta: Lenguaje de vergüenza, simpatía y empatía

¡Saludos! Quiero compartir con ustedes un evento muy especial que tuvo lugar el pasado 14 de marzo en la Universidad de Los Andes: una clase abierta sobre el lenguaje de [ … ]

Nota visual: Flipped learning vs Clase Tradicional

Siempre me preguntan sobre la diferencia entre el aprendizaje invertido y un enfoque de enseñanza tradicional. Esto se convirtió en la excusa perfecta para seguir practicando mis habilidades de dibujo [ … ]

Podcast: Hablemos de flipped learning y growth mindset

En este podcast, hablamos con Diego Salgar y Deni Dominguez sobre la respuesta a la pregunta ¿Qué hace un buen profesor?. En una conversación muy amena, les cuento el por [ … ]

El diseño de un in-class flip híbrido

Recientemente tuve el desafío de enseñar en un modo híbrido (algunos estudiantes en clase y otros en casa). He estado enseñando completamente en línea durante un año debido a la [ … ]

Diseño de instrucciones invertidas y diferenciadas

Uno de mis momentos de reflexión más importantes durante la enseñanza en línea surgió cuando comencé a sufrir problemas de conexión (los míos y los de mis alumnos). Había invertido [ … ]

Nota visual: ¿Qué es aprendizaje invertido?

Esta es mi primer diseño de una nota visual. En ella condenso todos los elementos y puntos importantes del aprendizaje invertido. Si te interesa usar esta nota para algún fin [ … ]

Investigación sobre la mentalidad de crecimiento en Educación

El propósito de esta publicación es compartir las generalidades de un proyecto de investigación en el que participé durante 2019 mientras se publica un trabajo de investigación más formal. Por [ … ]

El uso de Google Jamboard para retroalimentación entre pares

To read this post in English, click here! Una estrategia que siempre incluyo en mis clases es la retroalimentación entre pares. Mis estudiantes trabajan en grupos pequeños usando la rúbrica [ … ]

Crea historias con dados digitales!

A medida que las clases virtuales se vuelven más cotidianas, he tenido que repensar todas mis clases presenciales. Esta no ha sido una tarea fácil y la planificación ha consumido [ … ]

Oratoria: Lección en línea creando tarjetas digitales

Para mi primera clase en línea, planeé una sesión para conocer a mis estudiantes. Esta es una clase presencial de Speaking for Professional Purposes (cómo hablar en público para fines [ … ]

Educator & Consultant
Flipped Learning Advocate
Grow Mindsetter

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BLOG English

Unveiling the “Invisible Women” in Our Society – A Thought-Provoking Book Discussion

Para leer este artículo en español haz clic aquí. I recently had the opportunity to delve into a book that has long been on my reading list – “Invisible Women” [ … ]

Webinar: In-Class Flip: Design Active Learning Spaces for Student-Centered LearningWebinar

Hey everyone! In this post, I want to share the recording of a recent webinar I gave about in-class flipping. A special shout out to Dr. Desiree Alexander for all [ … ]

Unlocking Canva’s Magic: Essential Shortcuts for Dynamic Presentations

Dive into Canva’s magic shortcuts with this post, aiming to captivate and engage audiences. Discover how to effortlessly activate these features and transform your presentations into dynamic, interactive experiences. Whether you’re celebrating student achievements or adding suspense to your slides, these shortcuts offer a seamless way to enhance your educational delivery.

In-Class Flip Poster at the IFE Conference

Click here to see the Spanish version Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Institute for the Future of Education – IFE Conference in the city of [ … ]

BLOG Español

Conversaciones de Mentalidad de Crecimiento con Tatiana Rodríguez

En este artículo, comparto una reflexión inspirada en la charla con Tatiana Rodríguez en “Lista para lo que Venga”. Conversamos sobre cómo adoptar una mentalidad orientada al crecimiento puede potenciar nuestro desarrollo personal, mejorar la administración del tiempo y elevar nuestra productividad. Además, analizamos la relevancia de saber dejar de lado aquellas actividades que no favorecen nuestro progreso, asumiendo el rol de protagonistas de nuestra propia historia. También profundizamos en la introspección y exploramos el concepto del “Freedom Compass” como una herramienta para enfocar nuestra energía hacia lo que realmente nos impulsa a avanzar.

Podcast InFórmate: Revolucionando la Educación Superior y el Impacto Transformador del Aprendizaje Invertido

En este podcast conversamos sobre el aprendizaje invertido, dialogando en torno a qué entendemos por este enfoque y cómo pueden implementarse estrategias en el aula para incorporar, más que una metodología, una visión de la enseñanza-aprendizaje que invite a los estudiantes a apropiarse de su proceso formativo.

Mujeres Invisibles en Nuestra Sociedad – Reflexiones sobre el Libro

To read this article in English click here. Recientemente tuve la profunda oportunidad de sumergirme en un libro que ha estado en mi lista de lectura durante mucho tiempo: “La [ … ]

Desbloquea la Magia de Canva: Atajos Esenciales para Presentaciones Dinámicas

Click here to see this post in English. Hola! Hoy estoy emocionada de sumergirme en un conjunto de herramientas que promete revolucionar sus presentaciones: los atajos mágicos de Canva. Ya [ … ]

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