Diseño de instrucciones invertidas y diferenciadas
Uno de mis momentos de reflexión más importantes durante la enseñanza en línea surgió cuando comencé a sufrir problemas de conexión (los míos y los de mis alumnos). Había invertido [ … ]
Uno de mis momentos de reflexión más importantes durante la enseñanza en línea surgió cuando comencé a sufrir problemas de conexión (los míos y los de mis alumnos). Había invertido [ … ]
One of my biggest aha moments during online teaching came when I started suffering connection problems (my own and my students). I had flipped instructions in my previous classes, but [ … ]
I’m always asked about the difference between flipped learning and a traditional teaching approach. What a perfect excuse to continue practicing my drawing skills and design a sketchnote! So here’s [ … ]
The Elephant In The Remote Classroom: Adapting to Grading In the New Normal-ish Dan Jones with Martha Ramirez, Jon Bergmann, and Thomas Mennella Grading is always a challenge, but teachers [ … ]
I condensed my understanding of what flipped learning is in this sketchnote. Flipped learning is always evolving and this is where it is at today! To see this sketchnote in [ … ]
Esta es mi primer diseño de una nota visual. En ella condenso todos los elementos y puntos importantes del aprendizaje invertido. Si te interesa usar esta nota para algún fin [ … ]
In a recent presentation I made, some of my students commented on the design of my slides and how I created them. I promised I’d make a quick blog post [ … ]
The purpose of this post is to share the generalities of a research project I participated in during 2019 while a more formal research paper is published. Please feel free [ … ]
As teaching virtual classes sinks in, I’ve had to rethink all of my face-to-face classes. This has not been an easy task and planning has consumed more time than I [ … ]
A medida que las clases virtuales se vuelven más cotidianas, he tenido que repensar todas mis clases presenciales. Esta no ha sido una tarea fácil y la planificación ha consumido [ … ]